My COVID Story (and advice to get through it)

I had the blessing to have my daughter, who went through COVID with me, remember a post from Patty Amodia from Hollagraphix Trivia of information on surviving COVID. So, I followed her advice and added a couple things during my time with COVID. I decided I would share it after speaking with a couple different friends who said they had never heard much of the advice.

I am not a medical expert; I am just saying what worked for me and others.

*Ask for prayer- There is power in prayer and it helps (your soul) to know others are praying!

*Do NOT sleep on your back.

*Get up every 2 hours and walk 15 minutes unless you’re sleeping. (This is to help prevent pneumonia and blood clots)

*Take Zinc, Vit C, Vit D, and B1

*Listen to the Word if you cannot read it. I found SoakStream on YouTube and listened to “100+ Healing Scriptures” ( to feed your spirit and soul.

*Take Mucinex DM (day and night) for the cough and congestion (or Benzotate if you can get your doctor to prescribe it- helps with the cough.)

*Make yourself drink water with electrolytes, Pedialyte, Gatorade, Powerade, – STAY HYDRATED! I drank hot honey water (1-2 T honey plus 20oz hot (not boiling) water 2-3 x day. Honey is an antioxidant and will help your throat. I also drank Powerade Zero for electrolytes.

*Be positive and speak positive

*Move your arms around often to keep your lungs clear

*When you have strength (my symptoms came and went), take a shower- the steam helps things keep moving in your lungs, you will feel better being clean, and it helps with muscle aches and pains.

*Pepcid can help with cramps in your legs. One baby aspirin each day can help prevent blood clots from inactivity (I chose to just move.)

*Eat 1-2 eggs a day, bananas, avocados, and asparagus – all good for potassium and other nutrients that will help while you’re body fights the disease.

** No cold drinks, pork, or milk.

Here is the thing: Everyone experiences COVID differently. Some of our friends just lost their sense of taste and smell (I just lost my olfactory sense); some were hospitalized with low O2; my daughter was fatigued and felt like she had a cold – stuffy head, pressure in her head, coughing; and I was fatigued followed by coughing, stuffy head (had a hard time hearing and seeing), coughing (more like wheezing), [one night of] high fever, loss of appetite (and 10 pounds), dizziness, chills, and diarrhea.

Comment with your story or how you got through COVID below- or ask questions of you have any.

We are in this together! Let’s get through it together!

#covid19, #health